About Kerbmarkers
The Kerbmarkers / Identification Tag component of HTD Australia (formerly Hi-tech Horizontal Drilling) was first established in 1998. We established Kerbmarkers after the company was unable to find suitable signage for the location of underground services when grundomatting or drilling. As there seemed to be a lack of quality ID tags available in the industry, HTD designed and manufactured the first stainless steel Kerbmarkers / Identification Tags to be secured onto any surface.
Local Councils were the first to approve and use the Kerbmarkers as part of their general construction work and health and safety requirements. HTD then had further requests for a substitute to fix Kerbmarkers into wet cement, thus brass Kerbmarkers / Stainless steel identification Tags were introduced.
Since then, the demand for Kerbmarkers has skyrocketed. HTD’s manufacturing of the basic Stainless steel Kerbmarker has expanded to include a huge range, such as survey markers and Identification plates of all types, particularly design your own’, with company logos. Now our clients include Councils and water, electrical and telecommunication companies from around Australia, as well as private individuals. HTD Kerbmarkers will only continue to grow, with the introduction of more high quality products.